Financial results for the 2022 financial year:

The operating expenses increased by 60%, mainly driven by the increace in car fleet expenses whitch increased by more than 3324 units on average, in administrative expenses and in salary expenses.

Autonom’s total assets increased by 52% from December 31st, 2021, to December 31st, 2022, the recorded value being RON 1.394.122.861. The most significant increases were recorded by the car fleet, intangible assets, inventories, trade receivables and accrued expenses.

The cash reserves dropped by 20% due to the investments made from the money collected from the bond issue at the end of 2021.

The equity increased by 48% and the reinvested earnings amounted to RON16.444.727.

The long-term liabilities increased by 41% and the current liabilities increased by 108%.

EBITDA reached 3.42, up 7.54% compared to the previous period.

As a result of the merger registered on May 1st, 2022, the assets taken over from Premium Leasing contributed to the total revenues of Autonom Services for the reporting 8-month period.